

周天涯作品《暮归》获得第17届皮克什皮克国际水彩展始人奖(Founders Award ),获得$250美元(1620元人民币)的奖金,这也是该展览的第三大奖。

6月24日在科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯市卡顿伍德艺术中心开幕,参展的90张作品由来自美国(其中27个州),加拿大、中国、日本、意大利、科威特,土耳其等国选送的494张作品中评选而出,入选率为18% 。颁奖酒会于7月8日下午6时至晚上8时在卡顿伍德艺术中心举行,一个评选出了19个奖。共计4500美元的奖金将被颁发,主要奖项:展览最高奖(Best of Show): $2,000美元,金奖( Gold Award): $1,000美元,创始人奖(Founders Award): $250美元。展览7月19日结束。



获奖作品我画我说:我参加展览的这张作品Returning at Dusk(暮归),是我到中国甘肃省(甘南藏族自治州)舟曲县5.12地震灾区做为期三个月的志愿者的时候搜集到的素材加工而成,这是一个非常落后的少数民族地区,人们依然保持着用山上的树枝生火做饭的原始习惯,对于现代都市人来说,这绝对是一个已经消失的陋习,而这里的人们曾经很好地保持人与自然生态的平衡,我想通过这个这里最常见的劳动场景来展示这里的人们的勤劳与勇敢。而随着人口的膨胀与无节制的砍伐,这里的生态已经失去了平衡,我前脚刚走,后脚就发生了震惊世界的泥石流的大灾难,这样的场景将成为一种追忆和警醒。

Returning at Dusk,Watercolor,73.5cmX85cm(29”X33.5”).In 2010.
I believe that style is the silhouette of an artist, which cannot be seen by the artist himself. In spite of the fact that I live in one of the most westernized modern cities neighboring Hong Kong and a direct product of Chinese economic reform of the past 30 years, I am still very much a traditional realist with a native heart and a blind eye to the material world that surrounds me. My subjects come mostly from the remote and under-developed native villages and ethnic minority regions, where the native life style and traditions are hanging in a delicate and tentative balance with over development and modernization, which insatiably engulf anything in its way. It is saddening to see the process of destruction of the traditional life style and of its assimilation into the industrial civilization. What I try to record with my beloved watercolor medium today will become the reminiscences of the future.
“Returning at Dusk” is a work based on the skethches I made during a three-month volunteer tour in a region in Guansu Province, China, right after a major earthquake in 2009. It is one of the most under-developed regions in northwestern China, where the natives still collect tree branches as their major source of fuels for their primitive existance, which appears so natural and well-balanced with their barren ecological surronding. Through this painting, I intend to show the viewers a common scene of daily life of the people in that region, which is to become distant memories in the foreseeable future


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