Won Founders Award in the PPWS's International Watermedia XVII


Zhou Tianya won Founders Award in the Pikes Peak Watercolor Society's International Watermedia  Biennial Show Exhibition XVII in USA  with a prize of US$ 250.Juror John Salminen,The exhibition opens June 24 and runs through July 19 at the Cottonwood galleries providing a splendid diversity of visual works to be enjoyed by allThe purpose of International Watermedia XVII is to present a rich spectrum of original work by visionary watermedia artists to the public while offering recognition to the watermedia artists and their art.

Ten local watercolor artists living in the Pikes Peak region of Colorado founded the Pikes Peak Watercolor Society in 1986 to promote excellence in the watercolor painting medium and to encourage artistic achievement in the community.  Their first exhibit was held at the Pikes Peak Center in Colorado Springs in March of 1988 with a second exhibit during holiday season of that same year.

Today, the PPWS continues to promote and encourage watercolor through its sponsorship of exhibitions and educational projects.  Educational projects include workshops, support and participation in art organization events within the region, and sponsorship of educational scholarships and experiences for local art students.  Many PPWS members are active participants and show in many local and national watercolor and art society exhibitions.  Works by Society members appear regularly in national and international exhibitions, galleries, books and publications.  Many members teach art classes, organize show events, painting outings, and hold workshops locally, nationally and abroad.  The current PPWS President is Loren Yukawa, and the Vice President is Karen Standridge.

The International Watermedia exhibition began as a small annual regional show known simply as Watermedia; it has since developed into a biennial international juried exhibition.  International Watermedia has exhibited in Colorado Springs at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and the Gallery of Contemporary Art on the campus of the University of Colorado - Colorado Springs (UCCS); and in Pueblo, Colorado, at the Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center.

This year, we received 494 works for consideration.  The 185 submitting artists represented three continents (North America, Europe, and Asia), and hailed from 36 US states, 2 Canadian provinces, and from China, Japan, Italy, Kuwait, and Turkey.  This year's juror for entry and awards, John Salminen, AWS-DF, NWS, selected 90 paintings for admission to the exhibition and will jury awards totaling approximately $5500 in cash and merchandise.

 The International Watermedia XVII exhibition which includes 90 outstanding works that will delight viewers with their magnificent color and textural elements. This selection of visionary works provides a superb cultural art experience as hundreds of entries were submitted from all over the world.

The Pikes Peak Watercolor Society's International Watermedia XVII exhibition opens June 24 and runs through July 19, 2011, at the Cottonwood Center for the Arts in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The Awards Reception and Ceremony with juror, John Salminen, AWS-DF, NWS, will be Friday evening July 8, from 6-8 pm.

Juror John Salminen AWS-DF,NWS with painting of Zhou Tianya,CAA.NWS.

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